Monday, December 24, 2007

sorry belum sempat dimasukin electro girlz 2002 n free internetnya Photobucket

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Telkom Speedy, ADSL Access at Dial Up speed

from Reaper X

I can’t hold it any longer, although i already said i don’t want to post something like this again, but it seems the biggest corruptor in Indonesia owned by the biggest telecommunication company called Telkom and the world slowest ADSL access service called Speedy don’t care or even listen to their customer !!! And this time i’m not going to say anything good against them, i’ll tell you everything about the world first ADSL access with limited bandwidth that gives you the speed of Dial Up Connection with the price of an Unlimited 2 Mbps connection or more at other country !!! $75 – $80 / month including 10% tax

Okay here’s the truth about Speedy ADSL Service from Telkom :

Speedy access speed : 384 Kbps Download and 64 Kbps Upload

Yeah like a dream come true, if it’s truly 384 kbps download, how come the access speed at work time (09:00 AM – 06:00 PM) gives you a TIMEOUT message or LONG WAITING TIME when you’re trying to access server outside Indonesia. Even to a high speed server such as Yahoo, Microsoft / MSN, and Google. Beside when downloading a single file (500 kb) .. at work time the fastest speed you can get is 7.1 Kbps and that means it’s not far from standard dial up connection …

They say check your Noise Margin, your router configuration, and your Firewall blocking access or slowing down your access

Hell yeah, if my telephone line is bad, how come when i access website after work time, there’s no problem at all .. ??? beside when i try to access server in my own country at work time, i can access it without problem

Check your computer for virus and other malware

I never heard about virus slowing your access to website even if they’re trying to DDOS a site or sending unlimited packet ?

They say they’re going to reduce their price

Hm … i think i’ve heard this words before two months ago .. and they’re saying they’ll reduce speedy price at October .. but untill now .. i didn’t see Speedy price reduced. By the way, i also heard that Telkom get lots of profit recently (62%) ?

750 MB / month bandwidth for $30 – $40 and 2GB bandwidth for $75–$80 ?

Completely sucks, because for that high price you can get an incredible speed at other country, beside without bandwidth limitation. But i can tolerate that as long as i can get the true ADSL speed at work time but the truth is even if you already pay for that incredible price, you’ll only get a Dial Up Speed at work time ..

And the conclusion is, if there’s other ISP in your area simply use them instead of Speedy, because it’s not worth using the ADSL Service from Telkom, they completely sucks and below average .. they only think about profit … profit … and profit .. without thinking of their customer. Although i know that if you’re going to do business you’ll have to make profit .. but ?! making customer suffer ?! It’s not in my dictionary.

Friday, November 9, 2007

My cousin Adinda

Aq dan Vonis penyakitku ;(

U are what u eat. Pernah denger kan? Kesannya enteng dan bener perna g si qt benar2 berhati2 mikirinnya? Motoku skrg hidup sehat! Smnjak bln Juni, aq lg concern ma moto ini. Gara2 tetanggaku yg SPG punya moto *wanita cantik yg berolahraga bikin wajah jd lbh cantik seger n g perlu blush on* he3x... motonya aneh tuu..So, qt rutin joging tyap hari di m.krida *akhir2 ini byk absen se* =D, minum air putih, makan ikan dperbyk, scrub tyap mandi he3x..

Krn aq menyadari pola makan diriku yg ngga sehat *daging mulu dan omnivora* =D selaen itu memeriksa bahu kiriku yang bunyi klutrak klutruk ini.
Hari Senin aq mengunjungi pijet refleksi kesehatan yg plg terkenal se-Jogja. Tanpa sengaja aq dtg pas hari Senin. Sebenernya buka tyap Pak Ugi *masternya* cuma ada hari Senin *pusatnya di Banjar* Maka dari jam 4 pagi ntu uda ada pasien. Aq ndiri dtg jam 17.00...jam berapa aq plg? Jam 00.20 tengah malam!! Lama nunggu Pak Ugi nya aja si... Dipijit Pak Ugi si plg sktr 30mntan. Uda dipijit ma asistennya jg...Tp yg mampu diagnosa akurat dan deteksi penyakit ntu adalah Pak Ugi. Rame bgt pasiennya..!!! Ada yg dr Jakarta, Tempel, Parangtritis, magelang..dan penyakitnya macem2...Ada yg kaya di Kejamnya dunia itu lo.

Hasilnya...saraf kejepit --> masalah bahuku itu, ada penyempitan jantung (masih kecil si...genetik yg trnyt dr ibuku. Klo dsembuhin skrg, maka gen sakit itu brenti dsini *Horeee..!!!*, ada kcendrungan gangguan rahim klo g dperhatikan bs jd endometriosis (kbykan makan yg ngandung pengawet). Tidaaakkkkkk!!!

Aq dkasi pantangan L:
Buah2an panas
Hewan berkaki 4, jeroan
Hewan di air berkaki
Sayuran berzat besi tinggi
Yg mengandung beralkohol dan kimia

Trus dkasi jamu jg *maujzubileee.....paiiitt bgttttt* Skrg rutin ni...diusahain tyap hari mampir ksana bwty refleksi. Klo bkn Senin ngga rame, selaen itu pemijetnya ada banyak ko. Klemahannya cuma satu si...pemijetnya ngerokok smw *krn mreka g kuat klo g ngeroko, cape bgt.........*

So...Aq tdk ngerokok, suka mkn buah, hobi capcay, mantan masi ada masalah kesehatan. yg lain yg mgkn ngerasa g bmslh...dicek yaahh...

Healthy inside fresh outside *lho...itu moto miss universe yah* =D

My Cousin Adinda

Masa Transisi & Kerja serabutanQ

Begini ni...lg kere tapi disorientasi..g nyalahin dong klo rasa tertantang nyoba2 yg baru makin menggelora *emang gelora bung karno*

Maka..nyemplunglah aq ke PPM ho3x... "Din..jd asisten BNI maw?" Oke bos! " bantu simakunnya?" Monggo jeng "Dinda, lab bisnis perlu diaudit rutin, kira2 Dinda bisa kapan?" Anytime pak "Mbak Dind, bs tolong jd SPG di JEC bwt pameran refleksi 1 thn gempa" Oke bangeth *lum perna jd SPG* "" "Din..tolong.." "dinda.. jawabannya slalu oke, siap, why not..

Walhasil...2 minggu trakhir numplek jd kaya nasi tumpeng diamuk badai d... Baru kali ini aq ngrasaain g tdr mpe pagi *mskpn zaman kuliah jg SkS si..* =D Dan barulah tersadar eke...klo ternyata syarat wisuda dikumpul plg lambat bsk!! Tidaakkk...

Tp asyik jg..swasana baru ni..byasa berkutat dgn accounting people...jd srasa bekerja di IKAMMA ha3xx..

Yg masi jd question mark in my mind...Aq jd SPG 3 hari (@6jam) dpt honor lbh besar 2x lipat drpd jd asisten BNI yg sebulan... hummm...

Lumayan d...jd ngerti dunia wanita *dyajarin how professional-career-woman-look should be* ;) make up maksudnyah...makasi ya bwt eks marketing n SPG Tj`s yg udah ngedandanin n ngajarin ;-*